Some latent variable simulations

This post looks at the relationship between continuous predictors, latent variables, and predicted ordinal ratings.

July 22, 2024

I found myself second guessing myself about the relationship between thresholds, a predictor variable \(x\), and a latent variable \(Y*\) in cumulative link models. So, I ran some simulations to double check that thresholds partition values of \(Y*\), but this doesn’t translate to partitioning values of \(x\). A lot of the things here are stated formally already in McCullagh’s 1980 paper and Agresti’s 2010 textbook, so the simulations are just to convince myself.



plot_theme <-
    scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2"),
    theme_bw(base_size = 16),
    theme(panel.grid = element_line(linewidth = .3))

Helpers to work with threshold values.

# Get probabilities for k ratings given k-1 threshold values
get_rating_probabilities <- function(thetas) {
  c(plogis(thetas[1]), diff(c(plogis(thetas), 1)))

# Multinomial sampling given threshold allocations
sample_ratings <- function(x, thresholds, size = 50, B = 1.25) {
  probs <- get_rating_probabilities(thresholds - B*x)
  rmultinom(1, size, probs)[,1]

Set up some hyperparameters for the simulations, we’ll use a single continuous variable x.

xvals <- seq(-4,4, by = .01)
thetas <- c(-1.5,0,.9)
n_points <- 400

The simulations

Below we simulate a bunch of ratings at each value of x, then wrangle that into a long dataframe of rating observations.


# Simulate n_points observations at each value of x
raw_data <-
    x = rep(xvals, each = 4),
    rating = ordered(rep(1:4, times = length(xvals))),
    response_count = 
        lapply(xvals, \(x) sample_ratings(x, thetas, size = n_points)), 
        recursive = TRUE

# Convert counts to individual observations
response_data <- 
  raw_data |>
  reframe(.by = c('x', 'rating', 'response_count'),
          response = seq_len(response_count[1]))

Below we can see what the proportion of ratings are for each value of x.

raw_data |> 
  mutate(prop = response_count / n_points) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = x, y = prop, color = rating)) +
  geom_line() +

Let’s model this using a simple clm.

simulated_mdl <- clm(rating ~ x, data = response_data)

We can extract the predictions for each value of x. There are different predictions we can get:

  • The predicted probability of each rating given x
  • The predicted rating given x
  • The predicted cumulative probabilities up to each rating category given x
  • The log odds of the cumulative probabilities up to each rating category given x (i.e., the linear combination of predictors given the thresholds, coefficient estimates, and x)

I’m only going to focus on the first three, as the linear predictors are directly related to the cumulative probabilities via the link function.

prob_preds <-
  cbind(x = xvals, 
        predict(simulated_mdl, data.frame(x = xvals), type = "prob")$fit)
rating_preds <-
  cbind(x = xvals, 
        predict(simulated_mdl, data.frame(x = xvals), type = "class")$fit) |>
cumprob_preds <-
  cbind(x = xvals, 
        predict(simulated_mdl, data.frame(x = xvals), type = "cum.prob")$cprob1)

Wrangle the more complicated ones into dataframes:

probs_df <-
  prob_preds |> |>
  pivot_longer(cols = 2:5,
               names_to = "rating",
               values_to = "prob")

cumprob_df <-
  cumprob_preds |> |>
  pivot_longer(cols = 2:5,
               names_to = "rating",
               values_to = "prob")

Simulation results

We can plot the predicted probabilities of each rating along with what the predicted rating is for each value of x. Note that the predicted rating \(Y\) is going to be the rating that has the highest probability. Here are the predictions; the discrete rating is shown by a black line.

probs_df |>
  ggplot(aes(x = x, y = prob, group = rating, color = rating)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_line(data = rating_preds,
            aes(x = x, y = as.numeric(V2)/4),
            color = "black",
            inherit.aes = FALSE)+

Here are the predictions superimposed on top of our empirical proportions; good fit! (we’d be in trouble if it wasn’t)

raw_data |> 
  mutate(prop = response_count / n_points) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = x, y = prop, color = rating, group = rating)) +
  geom_line(alpha = .5) +
  geom_line(data = probs_df,
            aes(y = prob),
            color = 'white',
            linewidth = 2)+
  geom_line(data = probs_df,
            aes(y = prob),
            linewidth = 1)+
  geom_line(data = rating_preds,
            aes(x = x, y = as.numeric(V2)/4),
            color = "black",
            inherit.aes = FALSE)+

Note that the points at which the observed rating changes (where the black line goes up) is not equal to the threshold values:

plot_thetas <- function(scale = FALSE, 
                        color = 'red', 
                        linetype = 'dashed', 
                        model = simulated_mdl) {
  thetas <- model$Theta
  if (scale)
    thetas <- thetas / model$coefficients['x']
    \(t) geom_vline(xintercept = t, color = color, linetype = linetype)

probs_df |>
  ggplot(aes(x = x, y = prob, group = rating, color = rating)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_line(data = rating_preds,
            aes(x = x, y = as.numeric(V2)/4),
            color = "black",
            inherit.aes = FALSE)+
  plot_thetas() +

Rather, the thresholds are related to where the cumulative probabilities up to a given rating category is 50%. We can work this out analytically. Assuming a logit link function, 50% corresponds to a logit of 0.

\[\begin{align*} \text{logit}[P(y\leq j)]&=\theta_j - \beta*x \\ 0 &= \theta_j - \beta*x \\ x &= \frac{\theta_j}{\beta} \end{align*}\]

Again, this is not the value of x at which a specific rating is predicted, but the value of x at which the cumulative probability given a particular rating category \(j\) is equal to 50%. Below, the threshold values are plotted in gray dotted lines and the transformed values for finding where the cumulative probabilities are equal to 50% are plotted in red.

cumprob_df |>
  ggplot(aes(x = x, y = prob, group = rating, color = rating)) +
  geom_line() +
  plot_thetas(scale=FALSE, "gray20", "dotted") +
  plot_thetas(scale=TRUE) +
  geom_line(data = rating_preds,
            aes(x = x, y = as.numeric(V2)/4),
            color = "black",
            inherit.aes = FALSE) +
  plot_theme +

Taking the first curve as an example, we can say that at (just past) the first transformed threshold, the probability of a 1 is less than the probability of a rating higher than 1 (=2,3,4). But, the individual probability of a 1 can be higher than the individual probabilities of a 2, 3, or 4 response. Somewhat relatedly, for the third curve at the third transformed threshold, we can see that the probability of a 1, 2, or 3 response becomes less likely than a 4 response. But by the time we subtract out the likelihood of a 1 or 2, then the likelihood of a 1, we find that the individual probability of a 3 is never higher than the individual probabilities of a 1, 2, or 4 rating. Hence, we never predict a rating of 3 for any value of x.

Where did all our 3s go?? Because \(Y=3\) is never the most likely rating, it isn’t predicted given values of x. If we’re supposed to get a value of 3 whenever a value of \(Y*\) falls between \(\theta_{2|3}\) and \(\theta_{3|4}\), then how is x related to \(Y*\)? Here, x affects the distribution of \(Y*\) values via shifting its location. In other words, \(Y*\) is taken to vary about a location \(\eta\), which in the context of our model depends on x via \(\beta x\), i.e., \(\eta(x)=\beta x\).

How is \(Y*\) distributed? Given our link function, it’ll be a logistic distribution. So, we can sample values of \(Y*\) from a logistic distribution at different values of \(x\), then use our thresholds to categorize the sampled values of \(Y*\) and obtain ratings \(Y\). By doing so, we can reintroduce some 3s, which we know should be possible in a probabilistic sense. In the process, we’ll also simulate a new dataset that should match our previous predicted probabilities (and in turn our empirical proportions).

# Helper to categorize values of Y* to get ratings Y
ystar_to_y <- function(ystar, thresholds = simulated_mdl$Theta[1,]) {
  indices <- seq_along(thresholds)
  max_val <- length(thresholds)+1L
  vapply(ystar, \(y) {
    for (i in indices) {
      if (y < thresholds[i])
        return (i)
  }, 1L)

# Sample Y* values at values of x given the model's estimated coefficient
sample_ystar <- function(x, n_ratings = n_points, model = simulated_mdl){
  b <- model$coefficients['x']
  rlogis(n_ratings, location = b*x) # Not negated here

# Helper to sample multiple ratings for a given value of x
sample_rating_from_model <- function(x, n_ratings = n_points, model = simulated_mdl){
  ystar_values <- sample_ystar(x, n_ratings, model)

# Sample Y* values and plot
sample_data <- 
  data.frame(x = rep(xvals, each = n_points),
             rating = c(lapply(xvals,sample_rating_from_model),recursive=TRUE))

sample_data |> 
  mutate(rating = ordered(rating)) |> 
  group_by(x, rating) |> 
  summarize(response_count = n(),
            prob = response_count / n_points) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = x, y = prob, color = rating, group = rating)) +
  geom_line() +

Compare this to the empirical data we plotted at the beginning. It looks the same! We sampled values in 2 different ways: once through multinomial sampling of discrete values of \(Y\) given fixed response probabilities (derived from fixed thresholds) and values of x, and once through sampling continuous values of \(Y*\) from a logistic distribution then categorizing the sampled results to get discrete ratings (following a latent variable motivation for the CLM).

We can also look at the distribution of \(Y*\) values at a few values of x. Plotted are the probability density curves scaled to the number of sampled points and a histogram of \(Y*\) values with the thresholds shown in red.

test_x_vals <- c(-3, -.5, 1, 2.5)
ystar_dist_df <- 
  data.frame(x = rep(test_x_vals, each = n_points),
             ystar = c(lapply(test_x_vals,sample_ystar),recursive=TRUE))

beta <- simulated_mdl$coefficients['x']
locations <- summarize(ystar_dist_df,
          .by = 'x') |> 
  mutate(beta_x = beta * x)

ystar_dist_df |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = ystar)) +
  geom_histogram() +
  plot_thetas(FALSE) +
         geom_line(data=data.frame(xvals = seq(-10,10,.1),
                              x = l,
                              y = dlogis(seq(-10,10,.1),location = beta*l)*n_points),
                   aes(x = xvals, y = y, group = x)))+
  facet_grid(x~.) +


Here are the take homes based on the simulations. First, the thresholds \(\theta_j\) shows how the values of \(Y*\) are categorized into discrete rating categories \(Y\). In other words, the distribution of \(Y*\) is partitioned by the thresholds. However, the \(Y*\) values are distributed about a location parameter that depends on x, for our simple model this is just \(\beta x\). The threshold values can be scaled by \(\beta\) to identify the values of x at which different cumulative probabilities are equal to 50%. But these values do not necessarily correspond to the points at which the predicted ratings \(Y\) change. This is because the individual probability of one response category may be less likely than the sum of the individual probabilities of each higher rating while still being the most likely individual response category. We can nonetheless recover the estimated proportions of each rating category by sampling from the link function’s distribution conditioned on a value of x.

So, values of \(Y*\) increase in categorized value \(Y\) when surpassing a threshold. If we use a continuous predictor, then we should be able to identify a region at which we pass from one rating to another. But, we noted that there was no region at which we got 3s. This arises because x is related to the distribution of \(Y*\) values, but the predicted value \(Y\) depends on considering the allocation of probability given all of the thresholds and choosing the value with the highest probability, which is not guaranteed to be an infrequent response category.


BibTeX citation:
  author = {Sostarics, Thomas},
  title = {Some Latent Variable Simulations},
  date = {2024-07-22},
  url = {},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Sostarics, Thomas. 2024. “Some Latent Variable Simulations.” July 22, 2024.